Children who are aware of phonemes move easily and productively into reading and writing acquisition. The purpose of this booK is to provide activities that stimulate the development of phonemic awareness in young children. The challenge, therefore, is to help children to notice the phonemes and to relate them to letters of the alphabetic writing system.
The vocabulary is presented through creative stories and action songs in a playful context and with the use of images to aid comprehension. The stories are also presented through music which allows children to physically experience English through play and movement and promotes interaction between the teacher/parent and the child.
Children will soon find themselves reading and writing short words and sentences and expressing orally using high frequency words and the acquired vocabulary.
Section 1: M,m,T,t,A,a,P,p,C,c,I,i
Section 2: H,h,O,o,N,n,F,f,E,e
Section 3: B,b,K,k,U,u,D,d,G,g
Section 4: J,j,L,l,S,s,R,r,W,w
Section 5: Y,y,V,v,Z,z,Q,q,X,x
Editorial: Trillas
ISBN: 9786071706379
Idioma: Inglés
Encuadernación: Rústica
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